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  • Crystal Jars, Herb Jars, Vintage Findings
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Bodhi Leaf Market

Large Boho Gypsy Magic Fortune Jar, Bodhi Home Decor

Regular price
$ 40.00 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$ 40.00 USD

Do you need more love, peace, prosperity, beauty or even better health? These magic jars are a fun and lighthearted way to give yourself or loved one that little life boost. Made with 100% organic herbs and resins and cleansed crystals, this will look and smell wonderful for years.

The lid is a compilation of real vintage jewelry. Perfect to put on a night stand or in a meditation area. Availabe in 6 different formulations and fortunes.

Cleansed high quality crystals and organic herbs blended with energies attuned to bring health into your life!

Healing stones, crystals and semi-precious gemstones come from one unified source - Mother Earth. Created from the magma or Earth's inner core, healing stones have gone through a geologic process of heating, cooling and displacement on their way to their present form.

The energy field of different gemstones is influenced by geometrical form, color and subtle vibration. Each stone is made up of minute crystals which are in constant motion thus emitting an energy signature or frequency. The gemstone's color also plays a dynamic role in the stone's healing energy. The play of light and color can stimulate or calm; purify or healing.